Our Family

Thursday, October 13, 2011

School Boy

So my baby boy starts K3. I never understood that saying"time goes by fast" until I had children. Now I completely understand and Oh how it's true! It seems like I was just pregnant with him and now he is in school. I was a little unsure of sending him because 3 is still just a baby, but I am soooooo glad I did! He is loving it, learning alot and it helps that his mommy is his teacher. We are having fun.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

July 4th, summer and random pictures!

Time is going by so fast. Summer is coming to an end and fall is on it's way. Paxton has started K3 and Presleigh will soon be 9 months. She is very busy and into everything. She's pulling up and standing and puts everything in her mouth. She loves eating and nursing and most of all her big brother Paxton!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Summer Days are back again!

Beach fun all summer long. One of the many rewards of being a teacher is having all summer with your sweet children and an added bonus being with them at the beach. We are back and forth from home to the beach and we are having a blast. Paxton goes all day long from the ocean, to the pool, to paddle boats, to fishing, to put-put, to you name it.
My little Presleigh just turned 6 months old she has her first tooth, she's still nursing and just beginning to eat baby food. Yummy! She's a great sleeper and still smiles all the time. All is well just growing too fast. We are super, super blessed!